Discovering More abouT
the BDF
In 2020 & 2021 the BDF was unable to hold any of it’s regular events.
The BDF Star Ball, The BDF Star Titles, The BDF International Congress, The BDF Night of 100 Stars and the BDF National Congress were all put on hold whilst the world shut down and tried it’s best to stay safe during the Pandemic.
Although we missed seeing everyone in person, we felt that it was important to try and continue with as much normality as possible and so the BDF EC moved swiftly (although it took a little learning) to online EVERYTHING!
Instead of the BDF International Congress, we held a virtual International Congress and fund raiser – The Great British Initiative Which raised an incredible £4990 for the NHS Charities, Youth Training Scheme & BDF Travel Fund.
Our next online event was a Virtual Night of 100 Stars which was a huge success and enabled everyone to enjoy The Night of 100 Stars from the comfort and safety of their living room whilst being thoroughly entertained as if they were right there in person at Epsom Downs Racecourse.
We could not hold the BDF National Congress and so we set about bringing the BDF National Congress to you at home. It was a huge success and we thank everyone who watched and hopefully it provided some much needed inspiration during this time.
In the ‘quieter’ times the BDF also provided a series of online events. The marvels of the internet and technology enabled us to still be connected to you our members and also to the wider public and dance fans across the world – the Internet really is a global tool of communication!
Although the members of the BDF Executive Committee are well known and collectivley we span many decades of dance history, we felt that it would be interesting to get to know them all a little more personally and so our BDF YouTube CHANNEL was born with the launch of a series of interviews with ALL the Executive Committee called:
Just click on the link below to watch!
So, whilst 2020 & 2021 was a very difficult year for everyone, it certainly had it’s opportunites to engage and be creative in many ways so that we could all continue to be connected to the things we love to do, watch and be involved in. DANCE!